I feel so alone
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Hi everyone,
Just looking for some advice. I and my husband have just recently separated and we have a beautiful 4-year-old. The marriage hasn't worked for a number of years and we've tried marriage counselling etc. I decided to face the truth and call for separation as we were both unhappy and the future looked really bleak for us both if we stayed together. He is looking to buy me out of our current home and intends to stay there with our son. I am looking to move back to somewhere central so I can get the family support I need just now but it feels like he has left me with no option but to stay in the area we are in now as he will no doubt take me to court if I take our son. I am trying to do what is best for our child but it is difficult when he doesn't want to compromise.
Also, , vulnerable, and scared. Is there any advice on how to get through this difficult period?
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